Marc's Programming Notes

Yaegi internals

Yaegi is an interpreter of the Go language written in Go. This project was started in Traefik-Labs initially to provide a simple and practical embedded plugin engine for the traefik reverse proxy. Now, more than 200 plugins contributed by the community are listed on the public catalog at The use of yaegi extends also to other domains, for example databases, observability, container security and many others.

Yaegi is lean and mean, as it delivers in a single package, with no external dependency, a complete Go interpreter, compliant with the Go specification. Lean, but also mean: its code is dense, complex, not always idiomatic, and sometimes maybe hard to understand.

This document is here to address that. In the following, after getting an overview, we look under the hood, explore the internals and discuss the design. Our aim is to provide the essential insights, clarify the architecture and the code organization. But first, the overview.

Overview of architecture

Let’s see what happens inside yaegi when one executes the following line:

interp.Eval(`print("hello", 2+3)`)

The following figure 1 displays the main steps of evaluation:

figure 1: steps of evaluation
  1. The scanner (provided by the go/scanner package) transforms a stream of characters (the source code) into a stream of tokens, through a lexical analysis step.

  2. The parser (provided by the go/parser package) transforms the stream of tokens into an abstract syntax tree or AST, through a syntax analysis step.

  3. The analyser (implemented in the yaegi/interp package) performs the checks and creation of type, constant, variable and function symbols. It also computes the control-flow graphs and memory allocations for symbols, through semantic analysis steps. All those metadata are obtained from and stored to the nodes of the AST, making it annotated.

  4. The generator (implemented in the yaegi/interp package) reads the annotated AST and produces code intructions to be executed, through a code generation step.

  5. The executor (implemented in the yaegi/interp package) runs the code instructions in the context of the interpreter.

The interpreter is designed as a simple compiler, except that the code is generated into memory instead of object files, and with an executor module to run the specific instruction format.

We won’t spend more details on the scanner and the parser, both provided by the standard library, and instead examine directly the analyser.

Semantic analysis

The analyser performs the semantic analysis of the program to interpret. This is done in several steps, all consisting of reading from and writing to the AST, so we first examine the details and dynamics of our AST representation.

AST dynamics

Hereafter stands the most important data structure of any compiler, interpreter or other language tool, and the function to use it (extracted from here).

// node defines a node of a (abstract syntax) tree.
type node struct {
    // Node children
    child []*node
    // Node metadata

// walk traverses AST n in depth first order, invoking in function
// at node entry and out function at node exit.
func (n *node) walk(in func(n *node) bool, out func(n *node)) {
    if in != nil && !in(n) {
    for _, child := range n.child {
        child.Walk(in, out)
    if out != nil {

The above code is deceptively simple. As in many complex systems, an important part of the signification is carried by the relationships between the elements and the patterns they form. It’s easier to understand it by displaying the corresponding graph and consider the system as a whole. We can do that using a simple example:

a := 3
if a > 2 {

The corresponding AST is:

figure 2: a raw AST

This is the raw AST, with no annotations, as obtained from the parser. Each node contains an index number (for labelling purpose only), and the node type, computed by the parser from the set of Go grammar rules (i.e. “stmt” for “list of statements”, “call” for “call expression”, …). We also recognize the source tokens as literal values in leaf locations.

Walking the tree consists in visiting the nodes starting from the root (node 1), in their numbering order (here from 1 to 15): depth first (the children before the siblings) and from left to right. At each node, a callback in is invoked at entry (pre-processing) and a callback out at exit (post-processing).

When the in callback executes, only the information computed in the sub-trees in the left of the node is available, in addition to the pre-processing information computed in the node ancestors. The in callback returns a boolean. If the result is false, the node sub-tree is skipped, allowing to short-cut processing, for example to avoid to dive in function bodies and process only function signatures.

When the out callback executes, the results computed on the whole descendant sub-trees are available, which is useful for example to compute the size of a composite object defined accross nested structures. In the absence of post-processing, multiple tree walks are necessary to achieve the same result.

A semantic analysis step is therefore simply a tree walk with the right callbacks. In the case of our interpreter, we have two tree walks to perform: the globals and types analysis in interp/gta.go and the control-flow graphs analysis in interp/cfg.go. In both files, notice the call to root.Walk.

Note: we have chosen to represent the AST as a uniform node structure as opposed to the ast.Node interface in the Go standard library, implemented by specialized types for all the node kinds. The main reason is that the tree walk method ast.Inspect only permits a pre-processing callback, not a post-processing one, required for several compiling steps. It also seemed simpler at the time to start with this uniform structure, and we ended up sticking with it.

Globals and types analysis

Our first operation on the AST is to check and register all the components of the program declared at global level. This is a partial analysis, concerned only about declarations and not function implementations.

This step is necessary because in Go, at global level, symbols can be used before being declared (as opposed to Go function bodies, or in C in general, where use before declaration is simply forbidden in strict mode).

Allowing out of order symbols is what permits the code to be scattered arbitrarily amongst several files in packages without more constraints. It is indeed an important feature to let the programer organize her code as she wants.

This step, implemented in interp/gta.go, consists in performing a tree walk with only a pre-processing callback (no out function is passed). There are two particularities:

The first is the multiple-pass iterative walk. Indeed, in a first global pass, instead of failing with an error whenever an incomplete definition is met, the reference to the failing sub-tree is kept in a list of nodes to be retried, and the walk finishes going over the whole tree. Then, all the problematic sub-trees are iteratively retried until all the nodes have been defined, or as long as there is progress. That is, if two subsequent iterations lead to the exact same state, it is a hint that progress is not being made and it would result in an infinite loop, at which point yaegi just stops with an error.

The second particularity is that despite being in a partial analysis step, a full interpretation can still be necessary on an expression sub-tree if this one serves to implement a global type definition. For example if an array size is computed by an expression as in the following valid Go declarations:

const (
    prefix = "/usr"
    path   = prefix + "/local/bin"
var a [len(prefix+path) + 2]int

A paradox is that the compiler needs an interpreter to perform the type analysis! Indeed, in the example above, [16]int (because len(prefix+path) + 2 = 16) is a specific type in itself, distinct from e.g. [14]int. Which means that even though we are only at the types analysis phase we already must be able to compute the len(prefix+path) + 2 expression. In the C language it is one of the roles of the pre-processor, which means the compiler itself does not need to be able to achieve that. Here in Go, the specification forces the compiler implementor to provide and use early-on the mechanics involved above, which is usually called constant folding optimisation. It is therefore implemented both within the standard gc, and whithin yaegi. The same kind of approach is pushed to its paroxysm in the Zig language with its comptime keyword.

Control-flow graphs

After GTA, all the global symbols are properly defined no matter their declaration order. We can now proceed with the full code analysis, which will be performed by a single tree walk in interp/cfg.go.

Both pre-processing and post-processing callbacks are provided to the walk function. Despite being activated in a single pass, multiple kinds of data processing are executed:

The last point is critical for code generation. It consists in the production of control-flow graphs. CFGs are usually represented in the form of an intermediate representation (IR), which really is a simplified machine independent instruction set, as in the GCC GIMPLE, the LLVM IR or the SSA form in the Go compiler. In yaegi, no IR is produced, only AST annotations are used.

Let’s use our previous example to explain:

figure 3: CFG is in AST

In the AST, the nodes relevant to the CFG are the action nodes (in blue), that is the nodes referring to an arithmetic or a logic operation, a function call or a memory operation (assigning a variable, accessing an array entry, …).

Building the CFG consists in identifying action nodes and then find their successor (to be stored in node fields tnext and fnext). An action node has one successor in the general case (shown with a green arrow), or two if the action is associated to a conditional branch (green arrow if the test is true, red arrow otherwise).

The rules to determine the successor of an action node are inherent to the properties of its neighbours (ancestors, siblings and descendants). For example, in the if sub-tree (nodes 5 to 12), the first action to execute is the condition test, that is, the first action in the condition sub-tree, here the node 6. This action will have two alternative successors: one to execute if the test is true, the other if not. The true successor will be the first action in the second child sub-tree of the if node, describing the true branch (this sub-tree root is node 9, and first action 10). As there is no if false branch in our example, the next action of the whole if sub-tree is the first action in the if sibling sub-tree, here the node 13. This node will be therefore the false successor, the first action to execute when the if condition fails. Finally the node 13 is also the successor of the true branch, the node 10. The corresponding implementation is located in a block of 16 lines in the post-processing CFG callback. Note that the same code also performs dead branch elimination and condition validity checking. At this stage, in terms of Control Flow, our AST example can now be seen as a simpler representation, such as the following.

figure 4: the same CFG isolated

In our example, the action nodes composing the CFG can do the following kind of operations: - defining variables in memory and assigning values to them - performing arithmetic or logical operations - conditional branching - function calling

Adding the capacity to jump to a backward location (where destination node index is inferior to source’s one, an arrow from right to left), thus allowing loops, makes the action set to become Turing complete, implementing a universal computing machine.

figure 5: a CFG with a loop

The character of universality here lies in the cyclic nature of the control-flow graph (remark that if statement graphs, although appearing cyclic, are not, because the conditional branches are mutually exclusives).

This is not just theoretical. For example, forbidding backward jumps was crucial in the design of the Linux eBPF verifier, in order to let user provided (therefore untrusted) snippets execute in a kernel system privileged environment and guarantee no infinite loops.

Code generation and execution

The compiler implemented in yaegi targets the Go runtime itself, not a particular hardware architecture. For each action node in the CFG a corresponding closure is generated. The main benefits are:

The action templates are located in interp/run.go and interp/op.go. Generating closures allows to optimize all the cases where a constant is used (an operation involving a constant and a variable is cheaper and faster than the same operation involving two variables). It also permits to hard-code the control-flow graph, that is to pre-define the next instruction to execute and avoid useless branch tests.

The pseudo architecture targeted by the interpreter is in effect a virtual stack machine where the memory is represented as slices of Go reflect values, as shown in the following figure, and where the instructions are represented directly by the set of action nodes (the CFG) in the AST. Those atomic instructions, also called builtins, are sligthly higher level than a real hardware instruction set, because they operate directly on Go interfaces (more precisely their reflect representation), hiding a lot of low level processing and subtleties provided by the Go runtime.

figure 6: frame organization

The memory management performed by the interpreter consists of creating a global frame at a new session (the top of the stack), populated with all global values (constants, types, variables and functions). At each new interpreted function call, a new frame is pushed on the stack, containing the values for all the return value, input parameters and local variables of the function.


We have described the general architecture of a Go interpreter, reusing the existing Go scanner and parser. We have focused on the semantic analysis, which is based on AST annotations, up to the control-flow graph and code generation. This design leads to a consistent and concise compiler suitable for an embedded interpreter. We have also provided a succint overview of the virtual stack machine on top of the Go runtime, leveraging on the reflection layer provided by the Go standard library.

We can now evolve this design to address different target architectures, for example a more efficient virtual machine, already in the works.

Some parts of yaegi have not been detailed yet and will be addressed in a next article:

P.S. Thanks to @lejatorn for his feedback and suggestions on this post.

From: Marc Vertes, 03 may 2023